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Marine Shipping

May 06,2019
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Transportation and distribution services are a vital part of today's rapid pace of business environment. When everything is smooth, there seems to be very little to differentiate between one services to another, but if something goes afield, or is delayed another solution is needed.

Transporting cargo through sea is one of the best and inexpensive ways of transportation ways in all around the world.

Mokhtar Int. Group offers a broad spectrum of customer services - be it an individual on the lookout for a local move of his personal effects or a Multinational Conglomerate planning a transcontinental move of its plants & machinery.

With associate offices world over, R.I.S as the logistical division of Mokhtar International Group offers total solutions to your logistical needs - Round the clock, across the globe.

We are ready to provide excellent shipping service to / from all ports in the world and addition to all container service performing best repair and maintenance service for all kind of ocean going vessels is one of exclusive abilities of our Shipping Co.

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