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Oil & Gas

May 06,2019

Considering food as a person, energy would be a society by contrast. Our energy and petroleum group is the heart of this industry. Our activities include providing gas and oil facilities, petrochemical industries and etc. We give services to different groups such as refineries, manufacturing plants, pipeline terminals, etc.

This company has been established in 1990 in Kish Free Zone as a subsidiary of Mokhtar Int. Group for better handling economic interactions and technology transmission from overseas companies to the main land projects special for industrial purposes and petroleum technology.


May 06,2019

Mokhtar International Trading Company is honoured to supply all different agricultural Products, animal feeds and cereals from the best Southern America manufacturers with high quality and competitive prices to its customers from all over the world..

Mokhtar Int. Group with 30 years of experience, is the largest supplier of Iran's Petrochemical and chemical products to the international markets. It is also one of the major Middle-Eastern companies, which is involved in marketing and sales of petrochemical products to the domestic and overseas markets. Trying to expand its market presence through improving product quality and offering better services to meet customers needs and finally satisfying them are amongst group's main objectives.

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